Sunday, June 5, 2016

Episode 23--Mission of the Amatons

Here's yet another villain that Zandor recognizes, meaning that the Amatons have made trouble on Amzot before. Their motivation isn't necessarily Amzot's mineral resources, though, but the fact that the planet is overflowing with dangerous fauna that they want to enslave.

The Amatons are apparently a sentient robot race (though I suppose they might be cyborgs). Gee whiz, it's not wonder Zandor and family left technology behind and returned to nature. There's an awful lot of insanely violent robot species running around the galaxy!

Anyway, I've always been slightly disappointed with this episode. The fight scenes are typically fun, but how cool would it have been if the Amatons had actually succeeded in getting mind-control collars on a couple of the Herculoids. We could have had an epic Herculoid vs. Herculoid battle!

I suppose there might be some question about whether the two species of giant beasts used by the Amatons are native to Amzot. They could have been captured off-planet and brought to Amzot in the saucer. But that seems to be unnecessarily complicated when there are plenty of nasty beasties on Amzot. So we'll presume the Lash-Tail dinosaurs and the giant sort-of scorpions are native to Amzot.

We see the Lash-tails being tested in the desert. Presuming that this testing is done soon after they were enslaved, we can assume the desert is their natural habitat. Since the Giant Scorpions devour a big chunk of a huge tree during the battle, we will assume this is a part of their regular diet and place them in a jungle habitat.

I've added them both to the list in the June 2 post, rather than repeat the whole summary again so soon.

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